Root Canal Therapy

We don’t offer root canal therapy at Growing Beautiful Smiles.

While root canal (“endodontic”) therapy is a core tool in the mainstream way of doing things, the alternative community, taking into account the strong evidence that root canal therapy can be damaging to one’s immune system, approaches this concept with great caution.

Many in the alternative community are as strongly convinced that this therapy is too toxic for anyone as the mainstream is convinced that it is acceptable for everyone. I [Dr. McLean] am somewhere in the middle, leaning toward the toxic side.

The reasons that we don’t offer this treatment is that it requires special equipment which we are not inclined to acquire since the patients we attract generally don’t want root canal treatments.

We are happy to discuss this therapy with you and to refer to facilities were it can be done. We strongly feel that you should be aware of both sides of the controversy before making the decision to do, or not to do, root canal therapy.