We are very excited to introduce our “Growing Beautiful Smiles” Natural Toothpaste!
Growing Beautiful Smiles recommends this natural toothpaste, which remineralizes sensitive teeth, kills gum infection and whitens your smile. It is formulated with no chemicals or toxins. Less than a pea size is more than enough. Only a gentle brushing required.
Organic Coconut Oil, Baking Soda (Aluminum-Free) Himalayan Salt, Epsom Salt, Celtic Salt, Colloidal Silver, Propolis, Coral Calcium, Magnesium, Black Walnut Tincture, Bentonite Clay, Blend of Essential Oils, Aloe Vera, Xylitol.
Typically commercial “mass-market” toothpastes contain things like:
Fluoride – Has a limited action against decay. Xylitol is better. Fluoride is a neurotoxin when ingested. Xylitol is not. Who ingests toothpaste? Children.
Adults don’t likely swallow toothpaste but we are unaware of any studies ever which measured the amount of fluoride absorbed directly through the oral tissues. Apparently no one wants to know.
Tricolsan – An antibacterial agent… so far so good. But it is linked to cancer and accumulates ominously in the environment.
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate – Suspected to encourage formation of canker sores and is a known carcinogen.
Aspartame – Another neurotoxin. Xylitol disrupts bacteria and sweetens the product.
Titanium Dioxide – A white pigment used in house paint and candy. Our product turns out to be grey(ish) Yuk! Get over it! We choose not to hire gaggles of “food chemists” to make it pretty.