The Facility: How It Came to Be
The dental office is located at 523 Guelph Street* in beautiful Norval, Ontario just east of Georgetown. For its first few years it was nestled within Dr. Sawiak’s Integrative Wellness & Detox Centre (“IWDC“) at that address. In the summer of 2017, Dr. Sawiak relocated her office to nearby downtown Georgetown (232 Guelph St.) and the Growing Beautiful Smiles office expanded and renovated to occupy all of the space thus made available.
Free Parking is available a few meters north of the building on Winston Churchill Boulevard.**
* Hint: “Guelph Street” is the local alias for Highway 7 and closer to Brampton is known as Bovaird Drive. (Very confusing!)
** Winston Churchill Blvd is known locally as Adamson St. Just remember “Northwest corner of Hwy 7 & Winston Churchill.”
At the bottom of every page on this site is a map!?
Meet Brunilda Mucaj (“Bruna”), IMD- Integrative Medicine Doctor, DHS- Doctor of Humanitarian Services, RRDH – Restorative Registered Dental Hygienist,
I was born in a very small city in Albania where I grew up with my family and obtained my Degree as a Dentist at the University of Tirana in 1987. Then I practiced public health according to government mandate. In 1995 I opened my private practice and practiced Whole Body Dentistry for 10 years. In 2005, we embarked on a life-changing journey; my husband and I moved our family to Toronto to give all of us an opportunity for Western education. My studies began with English and then Dental Hygiene. While working as a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH), I continued my studies at George Brown College and graduated as a Registered Restorative Dental Hygienist (RRDH) in 2012. The more I practice the more I learn how much I am able to help people achieve healthy lives, with beautiful, radiant smiles. In 2019, from the Board of Integrative Medicine (www.boim.org), I earned certification as Integrative Medicine Doctor and Doctor of Humanitarian Services.
Your smile is your window to the world. It is the most important feature of your face. My philosophy of practice is to treat every client like a close friend or family member. Therefore, this means I practice in the least toxic, safest, and gentlest possible way. I named the practice: “Growing Beautiful Smiles.” That is meant to suggest that it is the patient who is doing the “growing” – the services I provide are designed to encourage and support that. My role is to enhance the natural growth and health of the oral cavity by providing the safest and most effective oral health services and advice possible. To extend dental services beyond those of dental hygiene, I have invited dentists to join me in providing the type of general dental services we believe in. I PROVIDE DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO ORAL HEALTH ISSUES USING NATURAL NON-INVASIVE, NON-SURGICAL, METHODS WHERE POSSIBLE.
Holistic Dentistry?
Folks often interpret “holistic” as meaning “wholesome.” There is nothing particularly wholesome about surgery – whether it is medical surgery or dental surgery. So although folks often refer to us as a place for “holistic” dentistry, I’m not entirely comfortable with that term. While I attempt to keep our procedures as non-toxic and safe as possible, “wholesome” doesn’t apply.
On the other hand, to the extent that my awareness of what is occurring in the mouth can affect the rest of the body and vice versa, “holistic” applies.
Here’s a valuable infographic created by one of our like-thinking U.S. colleagues that illustrates that concept:
(The Health Connection Between Your Mouth & Body was created by Grove Dental)